Drop Down FAT Article 1

How do You Much Need to Drop Down Your "FAT"

How much food are you consuming daily? How much high-calorie or fatty foods are you eating without truly knowing it? The best way to identify where things are going wrong in your eating habits is to begin looking at the nutrition facts on the packages of the food you're eating and to record them in a daily log for about a week. By doing this, you will be able to analyze where you are going wrong and where you will need to improve to get the results you want.

The unfortunate reality is that we cater to our taste buds instead of worrying about proper nutrition. This is what leads to weight gain and ultimately, obesity. What's worse is that fast-food is far more convenient for most people than spending time in the kitchen cooking up a good dish. Society's need for convenience is a big reason for the growing statistics of obesity which is still rising.

This is why it’s so important as a first step to take note of the foods you are putting into your body so that you can analyze the areas which require the most attention. You will discover by observing the nutritional value of the foods you are consuming exactly what is causing you to pack on the pounds. From there, it means you can then begin diminishing your fat intake and replacing the fatty foods with slightly healthier foods. A pound of fat consists of 3500 calories so in order to lose a pound of fat weekly, you would need to cut off 500 calories from your diet. If you are eating approximately 3000 calories per day, you could lose weight by wiping out 500 calories from the 3000 which you are consuming by either replacing your unhealthy meals with healthier meals and/or incorporating some exercise into your daily regime. By taking out those 500 unhealthy calories, you are then down to 2500 and on top of that, you decide to put in a half hour or 45 minutes of running, biking or an elliptical. Another 500 calories off puts you down to 2000 calories for the day just with less than an hour of cardio-training and a healthier choice of meal. At the end of the week, that will be 2 lbs of unnecessary weight off your body...and chances are you’ll be feeling much better both mentally and physically.

Not only do you build up a great sweat during your training, your heart and entire body gets a great workout in the process which means heading toward a
healthier lifestyle.© As always, eating less or picking out a healthier choice of foods crossed with a bit of exercise can get you some seriously good results which not only gives you more self-confidence but also a vote of confidence from your family and friends.

The worst thing you can do is crash diet which is the drastic measure of going on a food strike in hopes that you'll drop excessive weight quickly! This only leads to disaster as you experience hunger pains, causing your body to feast off your muscle tissue and then eventually, you go into a serious eating binge. The tried and tested method of eating healthier foods and incorporating exercise into your day will always guarantee results for the better...

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