Introduction to Website Conversion Rates 100+ Tips - 4

Introduction to Website Conversion Rates 100+ Tips - 4


56. Make sure shoppers know it’s a sale. 

Just lowering your prices is not enough. Be sure to put a red slash through the original price when showing the sale price. That way, customers will know how much they have saved. In addition, you can also add a special headline whenever you host a sale. This makes people look more carefully at your products to see how much they can save.

57. Network. 

Use helpful marketing and pricing websites such as Froogle, BizRate, and E opinions, to name a few. Once you get the exposure on other sites, your hits and conversion rate should both increase significantly. Many online shoppers look for bargains through these types of websites first, so if you are not included, you are definitely missing out.

58. Discern the differences. 

Don’t make all of your products sound the same except for differentiating sizes and colors. Try to be as specific as you can, so people will know exactly what they’re buying.

59. Be as reassuring as you can. 

Include as many reassurances in regards to your website’s security, money back guarantees, and ensuring that people will have 100% satisfaction. They want to know they can trust you as a merchant before they buy.

60. Push the positives. 

Include as many detailed descriptions of how your product will enrich your customers’ lives as possible. The goal is to make people feel good even before they commit to buy.

61. Seals boost confidence. 

Include seals on your website such as the Better Business Bureau, Verisign, and Hacker Safe. These instill confidence and show your professionalism.

62. Font size matters. 

Be careful of your font sizes, and remember that larger font sizes for certain key words or items will increase sales. Studies have shown this to be effective, so use it to your advantage where possible (without looking too obnoxious, of course).

63. Brainstorm. 

Think hard about things that make your products stand out. Then expand on that. Come up with creative marketing ideas unique to your website, and do some promos that will create a buzz online.

64. Single columns work. 

Try to maintain a single column layout on the site. People want to be able to read things smoothly, and it should flow. Too much junk on the sides or several columns of text can turn people off.

65. Switch till you find what works. 

If you need to switch back and forth between two or three different headlines, you can. Testing out which headline brings in the most sales is an effective way to know what techniques are bringing buyers in.

66. Headlines aren’t the only things to revamp. 

Look at EVERY aspect of your website: item photos, descriptive text, buttons, color schemes, etc. Then change them around until you feel like you’re getting the most sales. Don’t be afraid to update or make changes as you see fit.

67. Use software that helps. 

Google’s Website Optimizer is a great tool to help you get the most out of your site. It’s effective, easy to use, and has a lot of powerful extras to get people clicking, and most importantly, buying.

68. Analyze the data. 

Use Google Analytic ( to your advantage. This software allows you to test your hits, as well as track them. Getting a good tracking tool is definitely invaluable to having a better picture of where your visitors are coming from, and who is making a sale.

69. Use other media to advertise. 

You don’t have to just stick to Internet ads. Remember that magazines, newspaper, and even TV ads (if you can afford it) will also bring more people to your website, so don’t be afraid to use them.

70. Increase other things as your conversion rate increases. 

As you start to see sales go up, it’s important to continue to increase other things like product availability and selection, advertising, and affiliate incentives. As your business gets busy, the number of hits will go up, so in order to increase the actual conversion rate, you may need to double your efforts as well.

71. Don’t forget directories. 

Although advertising is effective, do not forget to include your website in different directories as well. For example, if you sell shoes, be sure to get your website on related directories that list shoe retailers. Find specific websites that relate to your niche business and include yourself on their lists if possible.

72. Diversify the tools. 

While Google Analytics is helpful, don’t forget there are other software vendors and other testing methods you can use. Some examples include the A/B test, split test, and usability tests, to name a few.

73. The customer rules the day. 

While you might prefer a green color scheme over a red one, remember that the customer is always right. Follow their patterns, look at what they are clicking on, and go with whatever template and products are getting the sales. Although you may like the way something looks better, it’s the customer who has the final say and will get you the conversion rate you want.

74. Patience is important. 

No website is a complete success overnight. Remember that it takes hard work and a whole lot of revamping and revising to get the “perfect” site, and even then you’ll end up making changes. It takes time to get yourself known out there in the World Wide Web (WWW).

75. Don’t be afraid to mimic. 

While you don’t want to copy other companies’ websites, feel free to use their same layout and other similar things that they do. If it works for one site, the odds are it could work for you, too. As long as you are not using copyrighted material or the exact same wording, descriptions, etc., it’s ok to mimic the same style of website if you find it works out better for your business as well.

76. Keep in mind that setbacks happen. 

If you have a day or two where your conversion rate is low while you’re testing something new out, don’t panic. Remember that the rate will come and go in spurts, and that things will fluctuate as you make changes.

77. The more data, the better. 

Be sure your testing period is long enough to get the proper data you need to make a real assessment. If it takes more than a week, then bear with it. It’s essential to get all of the needed data so you can get a big picture of what is working for the site, and what is not.

78. Find a good shipping service. 

Be sure you choose a shipping service that provides delivery confirmation and fast shipping. Whether it’s the US Postal Service, UPS, or Fed Ex, find the best service that will get your products to the customer quickly. You can also include
overnight and 2-day shipping options if available.

79. Make lists. 

Come up with the top 5 things you like about your website, things you dislike, things that are effective, things that are not, etc. Then look at them side-by-side so you can brainstorm the differences. Making lists is a great way to get everything on one piece of paper (or computer screen) right in front of you, all together at one time.

80. Use your best customers as a good gauge for your success. 

Don’t be afraid to ask some of your repeat or bigger customers what they think on a personal level. The loyal customers are an excellent way to see where your best assets are, and what your shortcomings might be. They are usually honest and will tell you their true opinion.

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